In the primary election, Jeff, Jenn and Chris took the top three places by a substantial margin.
Remember your vote is still needed in November. All three must be elected to make a change.
In the primary election, Jeff, Jenn and Chris took the top three places by a substantial margin.
Remember your vote is still needed in November. All three must be elected to make a change.
This year is phase 2 of democracy in action. Express your views via the ballot box.
Because of experiences over the past year, our group, Stronger Orem, felt we should seek and encourage exceptional individuals to run for city council.
We didn't want people with a particular agenda or who thought like us on every issue, but individuals whose lives were founded on values that reflect the Orem we want to be part of.
2023 Municipal Elections
Orem residents will elect 3 council members this year
Jun 1-7, 2023 Candidates file to run for office
Sep 5, 2023 Primary elections
Nov 21, 2023 General municipal elections
2025 Municipal elections for mayor
and 3 city council seats
Stronger Orem leadership: Gary Seastrand, JoDee Sundberg and Keith Wilson
Advisory Board
Val Hale Annya Becerra
Aerwyn Whitlock Cissy Rasmussen
Tim Christensen Shari Warnick
Anna Greene Mark Seastrand
Stronger Orem is a group of Orem residents working together to help exceptional candidates be elected to city council this November.
We are a Political Action Committee (PAC) officially organized in Utah.
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for a better Orem